07 September 2008

September is Spring!

That is right, the seasons change at the first of the month and September first marks the beginning of SPRING. Magically the weather knew to change on that day. The nights remain cool, we burn coal some nights depending on how cold we feel. The days have been sunny and warm, about 60 - 70 degrees. Father's Day in NZ is September 7th and they kids and I came up with a few things that Dan needs that will be part of doing more. Firstly, we made him breakfast and then spent the day in an arena. Dano needed socks and hair jel so he got those items. What the kids really wanted to get their dad was lawn chairs and a fire pit. They have been dying to have campfires here. We have this part of our yard that we call The Space Between, which is a Dave Matthews tune, true...but we refer to the interesting little part of yard out the side of our house, you will see pics of this space where the kids are sitting around the fire. Since I am a dreamer, I have imagined what this space will look like in a two week time period and it includes wood chips, picnic table, raspberry bushes, plants and a small waterfall pond. A girl can dream, right?

Abby is taking ballet, tap (with me as her teacher) and she will begin jazz this week. I am loving the fact that she shuffle ball changes all over the house and down the grocery store aisles, it reminds me of Holly and I when we were kids. She is loving school, doing extremely well with maths. Abby got an award at an assembly for outstanding work in Maths. Mrs. Watt has been away this term on what they call, OE (Overseas Experience). Abby is really looking forward to her returning.

Sam too is looking forward to Mrs Watt returning to Pukerau Primary. Their school only goes up to Year 6 so Sam will have to go to another school next year. We had an interview at St Peter's College that goes from Year 7 to Year 13. We should hear this week if he got in or not. Sam played in his last hockey tournament of the year. As he began playing hockey in Forest last Sept. and he has been playing the entire year we are ready for a break from the arenas!! Well, maybe me more that the rest of the family.

Staffing is happening at my school. Mr Crosbie, my principal has been organizing who teaches what next year. Everyday last week he spoke of me doing a different mixture of classes. I am still not sure what will get set in stone but I do know that every time he talks to me I feel valuable, wanted in many areas and appreciated. It is refreshing and makes me glad to have made this move. Tap dancing is going well. I thank Mom and Dad for putting Holly and I into dance because this skill and knowledge is coming in real handy. Florence was an excellent teacher as I can remember every single dance from so many years ago. I am glad she accepted nothing but perfection because now I hear myself sounding like her.

The last couple of weeks have been good. Dano and I talk about coming home but not in a crazy homesick kind of way. The simple things like having no dryer, driving older cars, having second hand everything, having less and doing more will be part of our return for sure. Homesickness has not be an issue lately, we have been enjoying the weather, the routines and the simple things in life. As well, we have talked to, emailed, MSNed and Facebook chatted with many of our friends and family so we feel connected. Mark, Kris and Emma will be arriving Sept 23 and we are looking forward to visitors again. Things like Victoria's Secrets underwear, Cheese Whiz, Kraft Dinner, Kernels Dill Pickle Seasoning, Pepto Bismol, Zantac and Men's Degree Deodorant are all coveted items which will be making the trip across the world! We have much of our favourite NZ scenery to show MEK when they get here. It will be nice to have family here.
Until next time,


Anonymous said...

Everything sounds good there! Have fun! Talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

Have you rec'd your package yet? It's been almost 3 months, and another one will be send (via the U.S.) on Thanksgiving. I'm guessing it will arrive first. Tanya & Shawn

Anonymous said...

We continue to enjoy your postings.