We had an earthquake tonight! At about 9:30pm Thursday July 15th the earth shook. Dano was sitting at the dining room table, the kids and I in the living room watching Karate Kid III with our new friend Daniel Pene. Both Dano and I thought we were having dizzy spells at first. It was amazing! The feeling of the whole house gently swaying was unreal! The hanging lights were swinging. Our friend Daniel has lived in New Zealand his whole life of 13 years and this was his first quake too!
The quake had a Richter magnitude of 6.6. To give an idea of where we are in relation to the quake, Gore is 60km north-east of Lumsden.
It's a sign, time to go!! sees
time to head for home. Where was the epicenter? will watch the news this evening to see if anything is mentioned.
Donna Grand Bend
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