06 February 2008

Waitangi Day and Cheese Rolling

It was Waitangi Day today, our first public holiday. We had a nice relaxing morning, a bit of a sleep in and then we got prepared to go to the Whitestone Cheese Rolling event. It's a local event that raises money for autism. They charge an admission, $10 for everyone 16 & up, have some booths set up selling food, cheese and souvenirs and then they run some races. You pay $5, go to the top of a very steep hill, a local celebrity rolls a round cheese block down the hill and about 10 seconds later the starter yells go. The first one to get the cheese wins, the first two to touch the winner get prizes as well. The top 3 from each heat go on to try for the title of NZ Champion. I thought I might as well give it a go. This was decided before we left the house. Had I seen the course before hand, I'm not so sure I would have agreed. The slide show below tells the story pretty well. If you click on the slide show, it'll take you to a web album of my race. The pictures will be bigger and I'll be easier to pick out. It was a fun day and I came home in one piece with no injuries. A pretty good way to spend out first public holiday.


Anonymous said...

great pic's! does someone cut the cheese or eat it at the end?? haha. great giggles to start my snowy day. Thanks,Cath

Anonymous said...

LOL Thank you for the morning chuckle. You are a good sport, Dan. Never did spot the cheese.

Anonymous said...

OMG that was too funny! Good thing you made the decision to chase the cheese before you saw the hill. We will look for an improved perfomance next year!Kris

Anonymous said...

That's so cool! Nice pictures! I'm glad everyone made it back in one piece- LOL! I remember in one of your earlier posts where there was pictures and I saw a poster for the cheese rolling! I'm glad everyone's having fun and enjoying themselves! Talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

That was great. Got my morning and evening laugh, the kids thought it looked like a lot of fun.
Glad no one got hurt !!
The Hind Family

Anonymous said...

We were laughing so hard at the photo commentary......seriously, did the guy with the beer run and drink it the whole way down the hill?

Shawn and Tanya

Dan said...

To answer Shawn & Tanya - I think the guy with the beer had finished one at the top and stopped by his group of buddies on the way down to pick up another one.

Anonymous said...

Sam, a teacher who taught you at Indian Creek wants you to contact her at thusssu@lkdsb.net.

BuddhaKenji said...

As you're living the summer life, thought you'd like to know Exley got the camp truck stuck in the snow yesterday.

Happy cheesing!