28 June 2009

A weekend in Te Anau with Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad left Friday afternoon to go ahead of us to Te Anau. They went to warm up the holiday home. We followed them up after work. Friday night we got there and had a wonderful time. The holiday home belongs to a family that plays hockey with Dan. Te Anau is beautiful even on a weekend that the clouds hang low in the sky and there is a damp chill in the air. The adults played a lot of Pepper while the kids lego-ed and played together. We ate well, of course and we walked a lot too. Mom and Dad stayed at the holiday home while Dano, the kids and I came back Sunday night. Mom and Dad are going to Milford Sound Monday then to Riverton, Monkey Island and Gem Stone Beach on Tuesday. They will be back with us Tuesday evening.

I spoke to the lady that is renting us our house on Grand Ave back home. It is nice to have housing sorted and organized. There will be a few peices of furniture left in the house, and seeing that we sold everything to come to NZ we are glad! Mom and Dad have been telling us about friends that have offered stuff to furnish our home...we are so appreciative! Mom and Dad will get the keys to the house August 1st but things can be put in the garage in July.

I have also spoken to the Principal of McNaughton school. Abby will be going into Grade 4 and Sammer Grade 7. Mrs. Ellacott was telling me about all of the things that goes on at McNaughton school. I think it will be a good fit for the kids.

Until next time,

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